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We help organisations build their people capability by designing cutting-edge digital learning solutions based on psychology and behavioural science. We are on a mission to redefine leadership in a digital age.

Is your organisation overwhelmed by the disruption caused by today's ever-changing business environment?

Are your leaders struggling to cope with the rapid organisational changes needed to adapt to the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Are your people resisting change, demotivated and underperforming?


My name is Carla Smith, director and lead business psychologist.

I help my client's transform their people by designing virtual learning experiences for global organisations on topics including (digital) leadership, performance management, ethics, diversity & inclusion and cultural transformation.

I apply behaviour science to create virtual learning solutions and learning transfer tools that solve real-world people problems and change business performance.

Co-designing with clients to ensure that our sessions target the right areas, speak their language and have the greatest impact in helping their people flourish at work.

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn"Benjamin Franklin

Click on the case study below to learn more about our services.